Roark refuses to build it that way and is fired.Francon asks Roark to design a building based on Cameron's Dana building but with Greek style added.Roark becomes a friend with mike, a construction worker, while inspecting building sites.Keating still uses Roark to help him with his designs.Keating begs Francon to hire Roark and Francon complies Rorak agrees to work for Fancon & Heyer because he needs the money.Peter goes to Katie and "proposes" to her he asks that she keep it a secret.Henry Cameron gets sick and asks that Howard closes the office and burns all of his sketches Howard complies.Ellsworth Toohey releases his book about architecture and it is an instant success.Peter is nervous about his first commission so he has Roark redesign his plans and calls them his own.Peter gets Stengel to leave and becomes the chief designer at Francon & Heyer.Henry Cameron tells Roark what will happen if he continues to design like he does ( modern, uncompromising to societ)(bad thing will happen) Howard does not change his mind.Peter goes to meet with a girl that loves him named Katie he finds out Katie's uncle is Ellsworth Toohey.Two years go by, Peter has been moving up the ladder and Francon & Heyer ( by getting a friend fired).Roark takes a job from Henry Cameron, a washed up modern architect with ideals very similar to Raork's.Peter goes to work for Francon & Heyer he becomes well liked by Guy Francon.With prodding form his mother, Peter accepts the Job.Peter goes to Howard for advice and Howard tells him to make his own decisions.Peter is offered both a job at Francon & Heyer and a prestigous scholarship he doesn't know which one to accept.Howard shows no remorse for this and leaves the Dean's office wondering why people think so much about waht other people think.The Dean tells Howard that it was due to his overly modern designs.The Dean of the school and Howard discuss why Howard was expelled.Howard Roark is expelled from Stanton, an architecture school.