It would be a good book to read to young children on Earth Day to make them understand what they can do to improve the world. Simple and empowering, this book offers great advice for the next generation. For instance, the picture of a trash can is lifted up to reveal a reminder to throw away trash accompanied by an explanation for why that action is important. When you lift a portion of the page, a suggestion is seen. For each topic, there are two illustrations, where the child can understand what is good and what is bad. A beautiful picture book with bright illustrations that every child can understand through pictures. Why do we do all these things? Because we love the world. Good for parents to read to their kids, or for this book to be used in schools.BOOK: 10 THINGS I CAN DO TO HELP MY WORLD I liked the page with "use both sides of the paper" - well done illustrations and smart (sometimes overlooked) suggestion for kids!Īll in all it was a well-done book, aside from my project I would recommend it to all young kids (JK-Grade 2ish). I did not like the page where it said "Putting garbage away keeps the world safe and clean." This is kind of misleading, since throwing garbage in the garbage just allows it to go into a landfill somewhere else? It keeps your neighbourhood "clean and safe" maybe, but definitely not the world. This book is simple and geared towards a younger audience, and it's a very short read. More complex/effort-involved solutions could be used for age 7-9 children. Do you remember to turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. The small actions kids can take to help the world listed here are a nice start for young children, maybe 3-6 year olds. This book is part of the Read for Success collection. Discover how to reduce, reuse, and recycle and conserve energy through vibrant illustrations and simple ideas. Overall, the book was colourful and nicely illustrated with flaps - I didn't realize there would be flaps on every page. 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World Written and Illustrated by Melanie Walsh This book offers 10 ways kids can help take care of our planet. Shop from millions of books directly from Atlantic. 10 Things I Can Do To Help My World Thank you for picking up your Read. I was checking every day to see if it arrived! (I am looking for kids' books on the environment for a project.) Buy 10 Things I Can Do to Help My World by Walsh, Melanie Online with upto 30 discount from Atlantic. Waited so long for this book from the library! SOO LONG.